Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It's time to StartHR

Welcome the StartHR blog. I am Michelle Batt, the founder of StartHR.

In this blog you will read relevant posts about developing human resource functions for your business as well as tips and stories for individuals in need of assistance with their resume or interviewing skills.  There will also be personal stories of triumph because... we all need a lift of life every now and then.

Why StartHR and why now?
I decided to launch StartHR because after all this education and over 12 years of experience, it was time to share what I know with business owners, in the right way.  My passion is to help small businesses put the pieces of HR in place so they start off with the appropriate tools...for their employees.
I started the individual client component of StartHR, because so many individuals don't know the ins and outs of a resume or interviewing, and what better guidance than from someone who has looked at thousands of resumes and conducted just as many interviews.  

I saw a quote the other day that said "How you treat your employees determines the fate of your company."  This is so true. StartHR will give you the building blocks with which to create a positive structure of employee systems that will help your culture to be one that thrives. After all, whether you know it or not, your business IS your employees. 

Human Resources should be the conduit between the company and employees. This is the way I have always felt and the philosophy I will bring to your consulting experience.  Whether it's coaching or benefits, payroll systems or processes, handbooks or job descriptions, the focus is on how the company provides for the employees for a thriving business. After all, turnover is high or low because of how you treat your employees. Trust and loyalty are built with a solid culture and HR foundation.

Please call or email me about your needs, and we can talk about solutions. Let me help you take the next step. Pass my services along to those you know. 

My email is My phone number is: 614-226-7273.

Let's talk.

Stay tuned..more blogs to come AND the StartHR website!!

Next blog...Ethics..what's that got to do with it?!!

Friday, February 22, 2019

Ethics: Not a dirty word

Ethics. These days we hear reports about ethics on a daily basis. Whether it's our government leaders, those who entertain us, or even those in our community. Ethics is something that comes to the core of who we are and frankly, the way we work.

What is ethics? The dictionary says it is "moral principles that cover our behavior or conduct."  These are things we as individuals believe are the center of how we treat people, and ultimately how we are defined.

Our ethics come from what we were taught as children, through high school or college, through our community, spiritual life, and the mentors that helped us to become professionals.

With all the noise around us of ethics and bad behavior, I felt it was time to say a few words about how we can continue to be true to ourselves and maintain our professional demeanor in situations that question those ethics.

 As Managerial professionals we work each day in the parameters of policy, law, procedure, and culture. However, serving the day to day needs of the humans that do the job is our most important responsibility. We advise on the tough decisions, investigate the conflicts, continue to create a culture of harmony, while also being the conduit between people and company.  Ethics is about people after all. It's about the communication we have with one another, the compassion, and even the accountability we expect from our subordinates. Ethics are not hard to find, as they are in our gut. Sometimes people say "My gut feeling is...". Your ethics are the instinct you have to sit down and listen to that person when you have 50 million things to do. Your ethics are speaking out, even when you know the way of things and you have no power to change it. Your ethics look at each person in each situation and all the evidence before assuming guilt or innocence.

People are always affected by decisions. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who may be affected, how does that measure up to your ethics? Are you making decisions and going along with ideas that protect you or serve others? Is your advice or your behavior as a person truly a representation of who you are as YOU? Are you a true conduit between the company and the people?

There are many more questions to ask yourself. The bottom line is this, if it feels wrong.. say something. Do something. Talk to someone you trust, put together statistics as to why you feel the way you do.  Let us not forget, in any organization or relationship there are people involved. Without people, there is just stuff with no action.

Remember, ethics is not a dirty word.  Ethics is about what you stand for, and at the end of the day how people see you as a servant leader. Stand by your ethics because if you do, you will not have any regrets.

Choose courage over comfort!